DRUG is a menace, which has destroyed people, societies, generations, dreams and cultures.
But there are some who believe that there is a drug which is GOD's gift to humanity.
Though it is addictive but its addiction could be divine,
Though its preparation is prohibited but can be easily made whenever wherever one wants,
Though its consumption is banned but anyone can have it without getting caught,
Though its availability is limited but could be available till eternity.
And that drug is D.M.T
DMT is a psychedelic drug and stands for N, N-dimethyltryptamine
It is also known by following names-
--Businessman’s trip
--Businessman’s special
--45-minute psychosis
--Spiritual molecule
Being a Schedule 1 drug it is illegal to use in most of the countries including India.
But then why I say that anyone can have it without getting caught ???
WELL, before that let me set the premises.
The people who consume or had consumed DMT have shared in their experience that it feels as if they have moved to some alternate reality or a parallel universe.
The objects and things they see there cannot be explained as it defies imagination, geometry and vocabulary.
Its said people under the influence of this drug have reported seeing aliens, extra-terrestrial super intelligent beings.
Its as if they travel out of their body and roam anywhere in the universe.
It cannot be said with certainty that whether these different world exist and person actually travels there or it is just the hallucination caused due to altered state of consciousness.
Nonetheless it is the most powerful hallucinogenic drug around.
NOW let me come to the most amazing part of this drug.
Even if no body has ever consumed this drug, its traces are NATURALLY found in OUR BODY fluids.
YES its true.....
Our body is known to produce DMT on its own.
How it is produced or where its produced is still under research.
The best explanation presently is that its produced by Pineal Gland (explained below).
But WHY does our body produce this drug, whats the need????
Again, that's what the science is trying to find a satisfactory explanation to.
What the medical science presently says is that the reason for its production is that it helps us in giving hallucinogenic experiences when we, are asleep, take birth or die.
The DREAMS we see, in which we experience an alternate reality, is caused by the presence of DMT.
The near death experience which some people, who survived an accident, feel is due to this drug only.
The out of body experience is also due to this drug.
Some people just before they die are said to have stated that they saw people from other world have come to take them.
Similar to Pitris or Yamraj.
These all experiences are caused by this naturally produced drug. Therefore it has a purpose in our body.
Ok, so now what!
Before we go any further let me briefly explain the
It is a Pine shaped shaped organ approximately of rice grain size located right at the center of our head.
Like all other glands , pineal glands jobs is also to produce hormones.
Though a lot about this gland is still not known.
What presently is known that it secrets two hormones serotonin and melatonin which are responsible for setting our wake/sleep patterns.
DMT is believed to be produced as a by-product after synthesis of above hormones in our body.
Because pineal gland regulates our sleep cycles therefore it is sensitive to light and darkness.
It is therefore claimed by researchers that it has rods and cones like we have in our two eyes.
In a way it is said that pineal gland is nothing but a small eye located right in the center of our head between our eyes and is therefore also known as the
Yes Friends,
We do have a third eye in our head
Which when opened can see things what our two eyes don't see.
The people whose 3rd eye is activated can see out-worldly things like, Gods, heavens, past, present, future and what not.
Our two eyes see the physical world but third eye sees the non-physical world which is beyond time and space matrix.
Relating all the above things.
If we can UNBLOCK our PINEAL GLAND i.e. open our THIRD EYE with meditation or any other means, we can naturally produce more amount of DMT which can help us have psychedelic experience as if we have actually consumed the drug DMT.
When our body can produce this drug naturally, it does not have any side effect.
In fact it can help us, reach
- all unknown planes of existence knows as lokas in sanskrit (shiv loka, vaikunth loka, Brahma loka)
-Heavenly beings i.e. Devtas, time travel and do what ever we thought was impossible.
WHAT we think our great Rishis were doing when they were in Samadhi.
WHY our seers were seen dancing in deep trance, as if they were actually dancing with Shri krishna in Vrindavan.
This is what they were doing, traveling into an infinite worlds of magical possibilities.
All that I shared above is just 1% of what they experience.
To actually know what that world is like we need to move into meditation and activate our third eye (pineal gland).
ALSO, in ancient YOGIC practices there is a Mudra knows are Kechari Mudra,
In this technique the tongue to rolled back in a way that it prevents the wasteful dripping of this divine drug from penial gland.
In yoga the penial gland is known as Bindu chankra which is supposed to make AMRITA, the fountain of eternal youth.
This Amrita is nothing but DMT.
When the yogis learn to collect this Amrita dripping from head using their tongue they can use it to forever remain young.
They can forever remain without food and waster just by consuming few drops of this Amrita.
One more thing, this DMT which our body produces is the real SOMA RUSS which our Gods seem to be consuming.
Its the same drug which Shiva is consuming in his Chillam.
I hope you found this information Fascinating..
Why get addicted to any drug outside when the God himself has gifted us this wonder drug.
So lets move into yoga and get intoxicated with this divine drug.
And feel forever HIGH.
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